The 10th Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group Conference (TRG 10)
26-28 February 2014
Venue: Mahkota Room III
Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
26 February 2014
0730 – 0830 Registration
0830 – 0900 Welcoming speech by Local Organizing Chairman, Mr Fong Kim Hon
Welcoming speech by President of PRTRG, Prof Lee Chow Yang
Photography session.
0900 – 0930 Keynote paper – J. Kenneth Grace (University of Hawaii, USA): Invasive Termites Revisited: Coptotermes gestroi meets Coptotermes formosanus
Kunio Tsunoda Memorial Lectures (30 min each)
Session Chairperson: Professor Brian T. Forschler (University of Georgia, USA)
0930 – 1000 Plenary paper 1 – Kenji Matsuura (Kyoto University, Japan): Evolution of asexual queen succession in Reticulitermes termites.
1000 – 1030 Plenary paper 2 – Kok-Boon Neoh (Kyoto University, Japan): Ecological adaptation success of the sympatric higher termites, Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes carbonarius.
1030 – 1100 Coffee break and poster session
1100 – 1130 Plenary paper 3 – Houfeng Li (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan): Current distribution, ecological niche, and economic impact of the Asian subterranean termite in its invaded country, Taiwan.
1130 – 1200 Plenary paper 4 – Foong-Kuan Foo (Alliance Pest Management, Singapore): Behavioral and Physiological Changes in Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Blattodea: Termitidae) Induced by the Endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni (Diptera: Phoridae).
1200 – 1230 Plenary paper 5 – Abd Hafiz Abd Majid (Universiti Sains Malaysia): Effect of Different Climate Environment on Foraging Behavior, Colony Genetic Organization, Movement and Breeding Pattern of Subterranean Termites (Reticulitermes flavipes).
1230 – 1400 Lunch break
1400 – 1540 Session 1: Biodiversity and Systematics I (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Dr Kok-Boon Neoh (Kyoto University, Japan)
Paper 1 — Trinh Van Hanh Nguyen Thuy Hien, Nguyen Hai Yen & Tran Thu Huyen: Applying molecular technology to identify termite species of the genus Coptotermes in the Hanoi Old Quarter.
Paper 2 – Veera Singham s/o K. Genasan & Chow-Yang Lee: The advantages of next generation sequencing against the enrichment technique in isolating biomarkers from the termite genome.
Paper 3 — Nguyen Van Quang, Nguyen Hai Huyen, To Thi Mai Duyen, Nguyen Van Hoan & Trinh Van Hahn: Data on species composition and distribution of termites (Insecta: Isoptera) in different habitats of Xuan Mai area, Hanoi.
Paper 4 — Thomas Bourguignon, Yves Roisin, Stephen L. Cameron, Jan Šobotn’k, Yoshinobu Hayashi, Shuji Shigenobu, Dai Watanabe,Nathan Lo, Toru Miura and Theodore A. Evans: The evolutionary history of termites as inferred from 60 mitochondrial genomes: dating the rise of tropical ecosystem engineers.
Paper 5 — Nguyen Quoc Huy Trinh Van Hanh, Nguyen Van Quan, Nguyen Thi My,Nguyen Thuy Hien, Tran Thu Huyen, To Thi Mai Duyen & Nguyen Hai Huyen: Species composition and damaging levels of termites in three World Cultural Heritage sites: Complex of Hue Monuments, Hoi An Ancient Town, and My Son Sanctuary.
1540 – 1600 Coffee break and poster session
1600 – 1720 Sponsor Innovation Session
Session Chairperson: Dr Partho Dhang
Paper 1 — Syngenta – Charunee Vongkaluang: Altriset: Promising Findings from Thailand on the WorldÕs Latest Innovative Termiticide.
Paper 2 — Bayer – Jason Nash: On going challenges for termite control in Asia.
Paper 3 — Sumimoto Chemical – A field trial conducted in Thailand to evaluate the efficacy of a new non-repellent termiticide (clothianidin: neo-nicotinoid) in preventing structural damages caused by subterranean termites.
Paper 4 — Bentz Jaz – Bentz Jaz: The Trusted Partner in Pest Management Industry.
1720 – 1900 Annual General Meeting (only members who had received confirmation of membership acceptance are eligible to attend).
27 February 2014
0830 – 1010 Session 2: Wood Preservatives and Natural Products I (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Prof Andrew Wong (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)
Paper 1 — Indah Sulistyawati & Lusita Wardani: The Subterranean and DryWood Termite Attack on Used Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwagery T. et B.) Flooring from a House.
Paper 2 — Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin & Akiko Nakagawa-izumi: Characterization of Termite Feeding Deterrents from Fibroporia radiculosa (Peck) Parmasto
Paper 3 – James Hague Ferry Bongers, Yuji Imamura, John Alexander& Matt Roberts : The performance of Accoya¨ and Tricoya¨ against attack by subterranean termites.
Paper 4 – Ronniel D. Manalo and Carlos Garcia: Resistance of Abaca Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites Against Drywood Termites.
Paper 5 – Yusuf Sudo Hadi: Feeding rate as a consideration factor for successful termite wood preference tests.
1010 – 1030 Coffee break and poster session.
1030 – 1230 Session 3: Wood Preservatives and Natural Products II (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Jim Creffield (Onwood Entomology Australia).
Paper 1 – Niken Subekti: The Resistance of Two Woods Species Soaked in Cigarette Waste Water Againsts Subterranean Termite Attack.
Paper 2 – Andrew Wong & J. Kenneth Grace: Termite resistance of selected lesser-known Malaysian hardwoods to Coptotermes curvignathus and C. formosanus
Paper 3 — Carlos Garcia & Marciana R. San Pablo: Resistance of Auri (Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. Ex. Benth.) and Forest Red Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis J.E. Smith).
Paper 4 — Didi Tamadi S. Khoirul Himmi & Sulaeman Yusuf : Termiticidal activityies of anthe extract of Brugmansia candida leavesf against a subterranean termite Copotermes gestroi Wasmann and a drywood termite Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light.
Paper 5 — Maya Ismayati, Akiko Nakagawa-izumi, Hiroshi Ohi & Didi Tarmadi : Efficacy of tannin extracts isolated from acacia bark waste against the subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann.
Paper 6 – Tae-Young Lee & Brian T. Forschler: Ranking Wood Preference of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks) using Two-, Four-, and No-Choice Experimental Designs.
1230 – 1400 Lunch break
1400 – 1540 Session 4: Termite Management I (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Dr Hou-Feng Li (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
Paper 1 — Partho Dhang: An Attempt to Termite- Proof Structures using Physical Barrier in the Philippines.
Paper 2 — Ching-Chen Lee and Chow-Yang Lee: Effect of chlorfluazuron bait against Macrotermes gilvus: Evidence for the presence of the toxicant compound in workers and larvae.
Paper 3 – Farkhandar Manzoor & Mahnoor Pervez: Efficacy of Biflex and Fipronil in controlling subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in different soils types in Pakistan.
Paper 4 — Baek-Yong Choi & Tsuyoshi Yoshimura: Effects of solid carbon dioxide on thermal conductivity of four common construction timber species in Japan with a special reference to drywood termite control.
Paper 5 — Yuliati Indrayani, Hikmayanti, Andika & Yoko Takematsu: Survey on the Infestation of School Buildings by Termites in Pontianak.
1540 – 1600 Coffee break and poster session.
1600 – 1640 Session 5: Termite Management II (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Dr Partho Dhang
Paper 1 — Trinh Van Hanh, Nguyen Quoc Huy & Le Quang Thinh: The results of treating termites (Isoptera) in The Nam Hai Resort, Quang Nam province, Vietnam.
Paper 2 – Shing-Kwong Cheng & Siu Kin Cheung: Analysis of building materials damageable by termites in Hong Kong.
1640 – 1740 Session 6: Biodiversity and Systematics II (20 min each)
Session Chairperson: Prof Sulaeman Yusuf (Indonesia Institute of Science)
Paper 1 — Zhiqiang Li, Bingrong Liu, Wenhui Zeng, Weiliang Xiao, Junhong Zhong: Termite assemblages in the four forest types in southern China.
Paper 2 — Theodore A. Evans, Justine Jacquemin, Lee Gang and Thomas Bourguignon: Variation of social insect assemblages in Singapore primary and secondary forests.
Paper 3 — Wenhui Zeng, Zhiqiang Li, Bingrong Liu, Qiujian Li, Lei Zhang and Junhong Zhong: Effect of antibiotics treatment of Coptotermes formosanus on cellulase secretion.
1830 Departing for dinner
1900 – 2200 Gala Dinner at KL Tower
– Presentation of Memento to Organizing Chairman
– Presentation of Certificates to PRTRG Travelship Recipients
– Announcement of the venue of TRG 11 (China).
28 February 2014
0800 – 1200 Excursion to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (only limited to the first 60 delegates who register for the excursion)
Poster 1 — Hirata Kazhiro & Tsuyoshi Yoshimura: Measuring stress of termites using LC/MS analysis.
Poster 2 — Hajime Yaguchi, Shuji Shigenobu, Kiyoto Maekawa: Transcriptome analysis of soldier differentiation in the incipient colony of the damp-wood termite Zootermopsis nevadensis.Poster
Poster 3 — Yudai Masuoka & Kiyoto Maekawa: Expression and function analyses of the hormone signaling genes during soldier differentiation of the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis.
Poster 4 — Ikhsan Guswenrivo & Kok-Boon Neoh: Termite (Coptotermes gestroi) Tunneling Analysis in Peat Soil – Moisture Gradients.
Poster 5 — Eko Kuswanto, Intan Ahmad, Ramadhani Putra & Idham Harahap: Stratified Random Sampling: A Sampling Technique for Mapping Termite Hazard in Urban Environment of Bandung City.